WoodCare FAQs

What kind of preparation is required before I use Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil?

Surface preparation is as important to a successful project as using Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil. The wood surface you are treating MUST be able to absorb the oil in order to do what it is intended. Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil looks and performs best when applied to a clean and like-new appearing wood surface.

Preparing New Wood
New wood is often times not very absorbent because of excessive levels of moisture (even though it is said to be dried) and natural oils in some species of wood, such as redwood and cypress wood. Milling, tannins (wood oils), and excessive moisture in new wood can inhibit the absorption of Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil.

We do not recommend treating new wood until the wood is dry enough and the pores have opened up. The wood should be allowed to naturally weather, to the point that it begins to slightly gray or discolor, before you apply Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil.

Preparing Weathered Wood
Old, Weathered, Grayed, or Discolored Wood: We recommend pressure washing as a primary means of preparing a wood surface that has already weathered or discolored. Pressure washing serves two purposes: 1) it can restore the appearance of the wood to a like-new appearance by removing the decayed and/or discolored surface area; and 2) it can remove the decayed surface layer to allow penetration of Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil product into the newly exposed, healthy wood cells. Graying and some discolorations can also be removed through the use of wood cleaners, bleaches, and oxalic acid solutions, however, they don’t remove the decayed surface layer unless the surface is thoroughly scrubbed or pressure washed. A skilled pressure washer operator can restore a new appearance to most natural wood surfaces.

Preparing Previously Stained or Treated Surfaces
Stripping previously applied products can be a difficult task. Consult your Boodge Company representative or an experienced professional for specific advice and recommendations. You must apply Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil to an absorbing surface. It is absolutely necessary to remove any form of surface layer that may inhibit the ability of the oil to penetrate. Do not apply this product over another product.

How often should Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil be reapplied?

On our President’s own deck, which is also Brazilian Mahogany, we have found that it can be redone every year to keep it looking really fresh. We have used the Transparent Natural Cedar which isn’t going to last quite as long as the semi-transparent choices and have concluded that, because the wood is hard, as compared to redwood and cedar, it tends to appear faded sooner than it might on redwood or cedar, even though it will absorb the same amount of material.

So from an aesthetic point of view you might consider reapplying every year or year and a half, but from a functional point of view the wood will certainly be well protected for 2 or more years. On the semi-transparent choices, we normally recommend every 2 to 2-1/2 years for the deck floor or horizontal surfaces and every 4 or 5 years for the vertical surfaces.

How long after applying a Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil product before it can get wet?

Ideally it shouldn’t get wet until it is evident that no oil is still pooled or standing on the surface. However, it could get wet immediately and would have no significant affect on the outcome should this occur.

The only time water on it becomes a major concern is when there are pools of oil that have water beads in them which in turn causes the oil to separate and if left in that state until it dries then it causes uneven pigment dispersion. What you end up seeing is little spots or dots around where the water beads were.

If this occurs, it is possible to get them out as long as not too much time has passed. You can take a rag with mineral spirits or Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil product that you are using on it and rub out the spots. This remedy works within 24 hours of application. After that it gets pretty difficult to correct.

What are VOCs and why does it matter whether there are low VOCs?

VOC stands for Volatile Organic Compound. In essence VOCs are the components of a product that evaporate from a product once it is applied or exposed to air. Translation: air pollution. The EPA has adopted stricter standards for the paint coatings industry in an effort to reduce air pollution and some states have their own regulations.

Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil features very low VOC levels that range from about 160gr/liter to 310gr/liter. A major benefit from low VOCs is a noticeable reduction in odor, which in turn makes a given product easier to work around without being overwhelmed by fumes and fowl odors.

Can I apply Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil in the late fall and early spring?

It will be fine to use the product in colder temperatures so long as the wood is plenty dry. The biggest risk is that the wood is holding moisture in it below the surface, even though it appears dry. Bottom line is to make sure there has been at least a couple of days since any precipitation or the pressure washing and that the day time highs are in the forties or better.

As far as the product being applied in cold temperatures, it is very forgiving and can be applied as low as 40 degrees, however, the colder it is, the higher the viscosity and consequently less penetration will occur which, in turn, will tend to shorten the service life of the product.

There is a direct correlation between the quantity of Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil applied and the longevity that will be attained. Bottom line is that the warmer it is, the better, but it is not a significant aspect to worry about. The cold will slow drying time as well. In general, Boodge Log, Siding & Deck Oil has a slow dry time.

The issue of most concern is whether or not one would track the oil from the deck onto other surfaces because it is still wet. We recommend a couple of days to stay off of it and then caution should be exercised for about a week. In other words, take your shoes off and/or use a doormat. As for harming the finish, once the product is in the wood, it is unlikely to be affected by either walking on it or water. It could conceivably rain or snow almost immediately after application and the only way it would hurt it would be if there were still pools of oil on the surface.

Boodge Application Tips

At Boodge Company, we pay a great deal of attention to experience in the field. We are constantly involved with finding ways to perfect and simplify the process of maintaining natural wood. Feel free to send us your questions if you run into an issue to sales@boodge.com.

Because the development of the WoodCare Professional Series products came as a hands-on process of learning from the perspective of the ordinary painting contractor, we have learned many ways of dealing with the intricacies of this product. Here is a list of the more important tips you may find helpful.

Boodge products will penetrate thin mil plastic.

It is impossible to use paper and tape to mask out Boodge because it will penetrate right through paper and soften and start to dissolve the glue on tape. This includes green paper and high-end tapes such as 3M’s blue tape. NOTE: The only exception to this would be the use of a highly controllable spray rig that can virtually eliminate overlap onto the masked surface. The problem with these rigs is that they do not apply a great enough quantity of product to make them time-efficient and can lead to under-applying the product.

You need to protect surfaces that Boodge can run off of on vertical surfaces. Examples of some typical situations include

  • Vertical trim boards.
  • Gutters above fascia.
  • Horizontal fascia.
  • Fascia and soffit that runs at an angle because it is on a gable roof line. Diagonal siding with grooves that can channel Boodge in the direction of gravity.
  • Deck floors with space between the boards and surfaces below that that may be adversely affected.

Become very friendly with the ordinary water/garden hose. This can make your life a lot easier and help you avoid big problems.

NEVER get Boodge on stucco. You will have to paint the stucco if you do. Beware of solvents on DryVit type systems. Solvents will dissolve it.

Experienced contractors rarely mask. We recommend the use of Quik ‘N Brite on glass and clad window frames and metal surfaces such as gutters and downspouts. By applying a thin film of Quik ‘N Brite with a damp sponge to surfaces you do not want Boodge to penetrate you can effectively avoid masking. Because the Quik ‘N Brite is water soluble, it repels Boodge. Any excesses of Boodge on these surfaces can be wiped with a rag. After the application is complete, you can then use soapy water to wipe these surfaces clean. We recommend adding a little Simple Green or other grease cutting type of soap to the water.

There are also situations where you may forego masking at all. An example would be on a fence where there are hinges and other hardware. It is relatively easy to clean these types of surfaces provided you do so soon after the application. If Boodge is allowed to dry on these surfaces it can be very difficult to remove. Lacquer thinner can sometimes remove it but it isn’t a guarantee.

Boodge Company
Golden, Colorado


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