Application Tips
At Boodge Company, we pay a great deal of attention to experience in the field. We are constantly involved with finding ways to perfect and simplify the process of maintaining natural wood. Feel free to send us your questions if you run into an issue to
Boodge Application Tips
Because the development of the WoodCare Professional Series products came as a hands-on process of learning from the perspective of the ordinary painting contractor, we have learned many ways of dealing with the intricacies of this product. Here is a list of the more important tips you may find helpful.
Boodge products will penetrate thin mil plastic.
It is impossible to use paper and tape to mask out Boodge because it will penetrate right through paper and soften and start to dissolve the glue on tape. This includes green paper and high-end tapes such as 3M’s blue tape. NOTE: The only exception to this would be the use of a highly controllable spray rig that can virtually eliminate overlap onto the masked surface. The problem with these rigs is that they do not apply a great enough quantity of product to make them time-efficient and can lead to under-applying the product.
You need to protect surfaces that Boodge can run off of on vertical surfaces. Examples of some typical situations include
- Vertical trim boards.
- Gutters above fascia.
- Horizontal fascia.
- Fascia and soffit that runs at an angle because it is on a gable roof line. Diagonal siding with grooves that can channel Boodge in the direction of gravity.
- Deck floors with space between the boards and surfaces below that that may be adversely affected.
Become very friendly with the ordinary water/garden hose. This can make your life a lot easier and help you avoid big problems.
NEVER get Boodge on stucco. You will have to paint the stucco if you do. Beware of solvents on DryVit type systems. Solvents will dissolve it.
Experienced contractors rarely mask. We recommend the use of Quik ‘N Brite on glass and clad window frames and metal surfaces such as gutters and downspouts. By applying a thin film of Quik ‘N Brite with a damp sponge to surfaces you do not want Boodge to penetrate you can effectively avoid masking. Because the Quik ‘N Brite is water soluble, it repels Boodge. Any excesses of Boodge on these surfaces can be wiped with a rag. After the application is complete, you can then use soapy water to wipe these surfaces clean. We recommend adding a little Simple Green or other grease cutting type of soap to the water.
There are also situations where you may forego masking at all. An example would be on a fence where there are hinges and other hardware. It is relatively easy to clean these types of surfaces provided you do so soon after the application. If Boodge is allowed to dry on these surfaces it can be very difficult to remove. Lacquer thinner can sometimes remove it but it isn’t a guarantee.

Boodge Company
Golden, Colorado
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